Baby Shower Wifi Signs

Baby showers bring together people from every area of the soon-to-be-mother’s life whether it be family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors. While the guests may not know each other well and come from different places and backgrounds with varying life experiences and interests one thing that almost everyone has in common these days is a cell phone…and everyone with a cell phone needs (see: wants or prefers!) access to (ideally, free) wifi!
With all the Baby Shower Games that are inevitably going to be played, people may feel the need to use their cell phones to look up the spelling or meanings of certain words or simply to participate in the game itself. Or they may need to quickly and inconspicuously look up the name of the person next to them on social media who looks so familiar but they just can’t quite remember the name. (Our free printable Baby Shower Name Tags would solve this problem as well!) Or maybe they need wifi for any of a million other reasons - maybe even to check out our custom onesies that someone else purchased for the Mom-to-be! :) Regardless of whether the baby shower is being hosted at a home, a hotel, or some other venue guests will appreciate having the necessary information that allows them to be connected to the internet easily visible.
The Free Printable Baby Shower Wifi Signs available below come in many designs and are sure to fit your baby shower theme, especially if you’re using one of our many baby shower theme designs available across our blog! Each wifi sign allows you to write in the Network and Password so you can then display it where everyone can see it. Just click on your favorite sign below and print! Then hop on over to some of our other Free Baby Shower Printables to find the matching design of any given sign or game you might need or want to tie your entire baby shower together in no time! Hosting a baby shower and providing wifi have never been so easy!
With all the Baby Shower Games that are inevitably going to be played, people may feel the need to use their cell phones to look up the spelling or meanings of certain words or simply to participate in the game itself. Or they may need to quickly and inconspicuously look up the name of the person next to them on social media who looks so familiar but they just can’t quite remember the name. (Our free printable Baby Shower Name Tags would solve this problem as well!) Or maybe they need wifi for any of a million other reasons - maybe even to check out our custom onesies that someone else purchased for the Mom-to-be! :) Regardless of whether the baby shower is being hosted at a home, a hotel, or some other venue guests will appreciate having the necessary information that allows them to be connected to the internet easily visible.
The Free Printable Baby Shower Wifi Signs available below come in many designs and are sure to fit your baby shower theme, especially if you’re using one of our many baby shower theme designs available across our blog! Each wifi sign allows you to write in the Network and Password so you can then display it where everyone can see it. Just click on your favorite sign below and print! Then hop on over to some of our other Free Baby Shower Printables to find the matching design of any given sign or game you might need or want to tie your entire baby shower together in no time! Hosting a baby shower and providing wifi have never been so easy!